Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer fun!

I love finding free and fun things for my kids to do and this week we ran up on a gem. Our city sponsors free summer programs at area playgrounds that are staffed by trained counselors. They run from 9am-5pm and include free lunch, games and activities. Now, I would never leave my kids there without me (that's just how I am) although the counselors do a good job taking care of the kids. But, Olivia and I hang out and let the kids play with other kids for a few hours and participate in the games.

Best of all, its very,very close to my house and the park has some nice shade trees. They will even go swimming once a week -FOR FREE! Yay!

In addition to this, we are enjoying the free movies offered by the movie theaters once a week. And the library will be offering some fun programs for the summer reading program that the kids enjoy.

And of course, there is always Vacation Bible School which cannot be beat. Perhaps if your kids are bored this summer, you can look for some activities like these in your area!

Here's to summer fun!

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