Sunday, August 01, 2004

God answers prayer!

It has been a while since I posted to the site. I've had some challenges but God is such an awesome provider, such an awesome healer, such an awesome protector, such an awesome prince of peace that I give all glory to Him for everything that I am and ever will be. Words cannot express my deep gratitude, admiration, adoration, desire, honor, and praise I have for God! Thank you Jesus for suffering that I may have fellowship with the Father!

I have been praying more recently than I ever have in my life. I have to thank my husband for leading me to this great service and ministry. Prayer is one of my favorite gifts from God. He has set up a special hotline for me to reach Him directly. In this day and age, that concept seems so unrealistic. I don't have to go through a priest, a pastor, a receptionist or even a myriad of touch tone options! I have direct access to the throne of grace.

We are about to start another homeschool year and I am looking forward to what God is going to do. The kids are doing well. We had a pretty fun summer and we will be going to the beach soon to finish it off with a bang. I have been able to watch them continue to grow and change and it is magnificent. They continually amaze me.

I am so excited to be co-leading a homeschool information meeting at my church tomorrow evening. God worked this one out beautifully so I know by faith that the meeting is ordained and will be succesful. I am working with another homeschooling mother, Darlene Kinchen. She is such a godly woman and her son is about to graduate from homeschool and go to college at fifteen!

Things are shaping up to be pretty full and busy for the fall. But,that's okay. I will walk in the strength of the Holy Spirit. I want to encourage anyone who is reading this blog to comment. I love hearing from you. If you have any specific questions about christianity, parenting, homeschooling, or marriage, please ask and I will address it in a future blog.