Saturday, September 24, 2005

Third Year - A Great Start!

Well I have made it! God is so good and I thank Him for His faithfulness! It has been a while since my last post but I've now got so much to tell. On my last post, I shared my challenges with trying to do real estate and homeschool. I want to thank everyone who commented on my last post. The advice from so many nice people has been helpful.

I have decided to focus on homeschooling and put real estate on hold for a little while. I plan to go get my broker's license this December during a break from our lessons. Once I have that, then I will see what the Lord has in store. I want to hold seminars to help people understand the process of owning a home and then refer them to other reputable realtors and collect a referral fee. As a broker, I can keep all of the fee instead of splitting it with a company.

Of course, I am going to lay my plans on the altar to see what God has to say about them.

Anyway, I am now directing a home school co-op called Classical Conversations. We have 31 students and it is wonderful! This group is a blessing.

Our kids are doing wonderfully well in school. I resisted home schooling while home schooling for the past two years. I have had a love/hate relationship with it and now that I have given it my heart and allowed God to be first in this, it is flourishing.

I will be working part time until I pay down some debt I have accumulated. I know that God has a wonderful plan and I will continue to walk it out.

Be blessed!