Sunday, August 01, 2004

God answers prayer!

It has been a while since I posted to the site. I've had some challenges but God is such an awesome provider, such an awesome healer, such an awesome protector, such an awesome prince of peace that I give all glory to Him for everything that I am and ever will be. Words cannot express my deep gratitude, admiration, adoration, desire, honor, and praise I have for God! Thank you Jesus for suffering that I may have fellowship with the Father!

I have been praying more recently than I ever have in my life. I have to thank my husband for leading me to this great service and ministry. Prayer is one of my favorite gifts from God. He has set up a special hotline for me to reach Him directly. In this day and age, that concept seems so unrealistic. I don't have to go through a priest, a pastor, a receptionist or even a myriad of touch tone options! I have direct access to the throne of grace.

We are about to start another homeschool year and I am looking forward to what God is going to do. The kids are doing well. We had a pretty fun summer and we will be going to the beach soon to finish it off with a bang. I have been able to watch them continue to grow and change and it is magnificent. They continually amaze me.

I am so excited to be co-leading a homeschool information meeting at my church tomorrow evening. God worked this one out beautifully so I know by faith that the meeting is ordained and will be succesful. I am working with another homeschooling mother, Darlene Kinchen. She is such a godly woman and her son is about to graduate from homeschool and go to college at fifteen!

Things are shaping up to be pretty full and busy for the fall. But,that's okay. I will walk in the strength of the Holy Spirit. I want to encourage anyone who is reading this blog to comment. I love hearing from you. If you have any specific questions about christianity, parenting, homeschooling, or marriage, please ask and I will address it in a future blog.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Public school, Christian school, Home school

I recently had a discussion with a good friend who I respect and admire about her choices for school for her children. It was so refreshing to hear her perspective on school. I enjoy hearing from as many people as possible why they choose what they choose.

In this post, I want to examine the arguement that I have heard a couple of times of sending children to public school in order to make a difference in the school system. Many Christians have decided to allow their children to go to public school for this reason and they make many valid points I'd like to examine in more detail. The first argument I hear is that it is unhealthy for all Christians to live in isolation from the world and would not serve the purpose of winning the lost to Jesus. They say that if we are never around non-believers, then we cannot win the lost. This argument assumes the position that if a child is in Christian school or in a home school then they won't be around non-believers. Although upon surface reflection of this arguement, it seems as though it is valid and should prompt others to pull their children out of Christian only environments immediately. However, this is not the case. The Bible instructs us to train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. The reverse of this is also true... train up a child in the way that he should not go and when he is old he will not depart from it. A child is in the formative, learning stages of life and needs adults around him or her that have a common goal - the well being, nurture, care, protection, emotional, mental and spiritual development of that child. However, when the child has spent six to eight hours under the influence of someone other than their parents - usually a hard working teacher who is "ready to go home" - then you have impartations into that child that the parent cannot control. At best, the parent can work diligently at home to reverse the effects of that day. Even with Christian teachers, parents have to do this. However, with people who are Christians and schools that are so committed to students that they operate with no guaranteed government support as many private, Christian schools do, the parents have an ally towards the goal of providing a godly education.

I'll have to post more later because its late and I am sleepy.


Another Reason to Homeschool

Here is a recent article:

Study: One in 10 students encounters sex abuse
Report to Congress is first to take comprehensive look at problemThe Associated Press
Updated: 10:41 a.m. ET June 30, 2004WASHINGTON - More than 4.5 million children are forced to endure sexual misconduct by school employees, from inappropriate comments to physical abuse, according to an exhaustive review of research that reads like a parent’s worst nightmare.


The best estimate is that almost one in 10 children, sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade, are targets of behavior ranging from unprofessional to criminal, says the report for Congress by Charol Shakeshaft, a professor at Hofstra University’s School of Education.

“Most people just don’t think this can really happen,” said Shakeshaft, hired by the Education Department to study the prevalence of sexual abuse in schools. “We imagine that all teachers are like most teachers, in that they’ve gone into teaching to help children. Most do, but not all. We need to acknowledge that’s the case and do something to stop it.”

The report, required under the No Child Left Behind law and delivered to Congress on Wednesday, is the first to analyze the field of research about sexual misconduct at school.

Some educators criticize study's approach
Some educators immediately took issue with its approach, mainly the combining of sexual abuse with other behavior, such as gestures or notes, into one broad misconduct category.

But another prominent researcher supported the findings, suggesting, as Shakeshaft did, that they may even understate the problem. And the American Association of University Women, whose surveys of students were at the core of the new report, stood by its research.

There have been no nationally financed studies to collect data about how common sexual misconduct is in school, one of many areas Shakeshaft suggests must be addressed. Her analysis covered almost 900 documents and reviews that have dealt with the topic in some way, from private research and newspaper stories to reports for government agencies.

The report describes schools as places where abusers come to prey, targeting vulnerable and marginal students who are afraid to complain or unlikely to be believed if they did. It describes adults who trap, lie and isolate children, making them subject to unwanted behavior in hallways, offices, buses or even right in front of other students in class. And the offenders work hard to keep kids from telling, threatening to fail or humiliate them.

Misconduct is defined in the report as physical, verbal or visual behavior, from sexually related jokes or pictures of sex to fondling of breasts and forced sex. Shakeshaft did not limit her review to sexual abuse because, she says, that would exclude other unacceptable adult behaviors that can drive kids from school and harm them for years.

Teachers union says schools remain safe
Yet spokesman Michael Pons of the National Education Association, a union of 2.7 million education workers, said: “Lumping harassment together with serious sexual misconduct does more harm than good by creating unjustified alarm and undermining confidence in public schools. Statistically, public schools remain one of the safest places for children to be.”

The NEA, he added, takes any sexually inappropriate behavior seriously, training teachers and working with the Education Department on rules banning harassment in schools.

The other large teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers, also found fault with the report’s description of misconduct, and Eugene Hickok, the deputy education secretary, said the findings were so broad they may be viewed as “insufficiently focused.” But those officials, too, did nothing to downplay the importance of the problem.

“Clearly, sexual predators have no place in public schools,” said John Mitchell, deputy director of educational issues at the AFT. “We support background checks, and when someone has gotten through, they need to be removed. And other inappropriate behaviors must be attended to, also. We just really need to have an effort to separate the two.”

The report found teachers are the most common offenders, followed by coaches, substitute teachers, bus drivers and teacher aides. Among students, 56 percent of those targeted are girls, and 44 percent are boys, a smaller gap than expected, Shakeshaft said.

Expert: Kids need to be educated about problem
Robert Shoop, a Kansas State University professor of education law and expert on sexual exploitation in schools, said the estimate of one in 10 children affected is not high. The actual number may be larger, he said, because of historical underreporting of the problem.

“Children need to be very clearly educated about inappropriate behaviors, and teachers do too, so when children see the earliest signs of this behavior, they have someone to tell,” Shoop said. “But often, parents say, ‘Mind your teacher.’ So it’s very unlikely that this 10-year-old kid is going to rip the teacher’s hands off and say, ’Back off.’”

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Sick, Healed and Blessed!

It has been quite a while since my last post but I have several good excuses. First off, my body came under attack with a virus that has been going around in my area. Then, I gave it to my husband and then my kids. We were miserable. But because God is our healer, we are now better and stronger than ever.

Then God allowed a situation to occur in our finances that was sooo awesome. He is sooo good and a wonderful father. Sometimes the lessons are difficult to endure but He never allows more on us than we are able to bear and they always serve His purpose. He has plans for us and thinks thoughts toward us to give us a hope and an expected (good) end. (Jeremiah 29:11). With that in mind, I knew that what we were going through was nothing to complain about or get in a funk about. I always know that when these surprise situations occur that my only source of peace, comfort, and guidance is in His face in prayer. Because we endured that, we are now one step closer to our calling.

Having said all of that and looking back on the situation through the truth of God's revelation, I must say that while we were going through it, my mind was truly a battlefield. I began to doubt my call to homeschool. I began to doubt my deliverance from bondages that God has pulled away from me. I began to "go through". But, his grace was and is sufficient and I'm back in the fight.

God has planted a vision, a seed in me for a great ministry that will impact thousands maybe even millions of young lives. It is called Protect the Seed Ministries. As this develops and as the Holy Spirit leads, I will post more here about what's coming forth.

Right now, I am in the process of selling old curriculum and buying new curriculum for next school year. It is absolutley amazing what God is doing. I can't wait so see what my God has in store next!

Have a great week!

The Homeschool Diva

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Summer is Here!

Maybe not officially but as far as Kings Forest Academy is concerned, we are in summer mode! Oh, the lazy days of summer - NOT! So far, I have got the children enrolled in five camps - a dance camp for Chelsea and four basketball camps for Gregory. Yes, I know that sounds like overkill for basketball for Gregory but that is really all he is interested in besides karate. And, I just haven't found the right karate program for him yet.

He will begin guitar lessons just as soon as I can get a return call from his music teacher and swimming will pick back up in July. As for Chelsea, she is going to do swimming in July and to a couple of vacation bible schools. Gregory will also go to vacation bible schools in July.

This amounts to a lot of driving for me but I think the exposure to some other kids and new situations will be beneficial to them.
My son needs to get a little more street savvy and get used to making good decisions concerning safety. He needs to improve his listening skills. Chelsea needs the same thing.

The funny thing about all of this is that things are getting busier right when my husband is starting a new high pressure sales job. So, there is plenty of opportunity for us to be tempted to have attitudes, accept stress, and other junk from the enemy. So, we have to be mindful and make the decision not to do so.

Today has not been a good day. I have been hurt by someone I love dearly but I can handle it. I know it is just the enemy and I know how to handle it. Now I just need the strength, faith and courage to do the right thing.

A good friend of mine has been hurt deeply as well and her family is severely damaged because of it. I am grieving for her and her children. The devil is a liar.

Monday, May 24, 2004

My High School Reunion

I did it! I went to my 15 year high school reunion. I did not want to go. Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Yes, I did. I was on the fence about whether or not to go. But, minutes before the dance was to begin, two classmates came by my house and begged me to come very convincingly.

We had no time to get a babysitter so my husband encouraged me to go with these two classmates and their wives. I had known about the reunion for quite some time as there had been regular email updates about the progress of the planning. At first, I decided that I would definitely go. But, it was coming during a very busy month. I had budgeted for a big birthday party for my son and for purchasing my curriculum for next year all this same month. So, the idea of shelling out $80 and all the duds to go along with a semi-formal affair, was not my favorite one.

I also had my cell group meeting on that Saturday and I am in the process of evangelizing and discipling some young Christian believers. So, I wanted to keep that opportunity to show them more about Christ.

With all of this going on, I had made the decision that I would wait until the next reunion.... until my friends Don with his wife Lisa and Delancy with his wife Nicole came over.

Don was one of my best friends in school. It was so cool because he was a friendly white kid in a predominantly black school. Don was smart, dressed conservatively, nice, thin so many people may have considered him to be a nerd. He and I would talk about so much. He was smart and I learned so much from him. He was enthusiastic about life and I never remember him being down, sad or angry. He had blond hair that he always had in a somewhat disheveled state. It was a typical 80's hair cut.

So, when I saw him come across my yard, I could hardly believe it. He looked healthy, happy and great. Then beside him is this super model who he tells me is his wife. Of course I believe him! Her name was Lisa and she greeted me with the same warm spirit that I remember Don having.

With them were Delancy and Nicole. Delancy is the son of my next door neighbor. I had reconnected with him a year prior when he moved back to the area. We were not as close as Don and I but I always thought he was nice.

He too married a super model who is a sweetheart. (These supermodels don't actually model as a profession but they are pretty enough to do so if they wished).

It was great to see them grow up and fulfill their dreams. They were equally happy for me - or maybe even more so as I was a very troubled kid in high school. I started out great but then I really began to make some goofy decisions.

Sooo, I went to the dance. It was great to see almost everyone. There was really only one person that I could have completely done without but I won't post his name here in case he ever reads this. But, he was a creep in high school and he still is. Anyway, maybe he will find Christ and get set free from his hangups as I did and I can look back on this and celebrate a positive change. But as for now, I will pray for him.

As for everyone else, it was good to see all of them. I don't drink so the presence of alcohol was something I'm not used to but all in all, the evening went well. It was awkward not remembering people when they remember you. But I'm glad I went if for no other reason than to not have to wonder what it would have been like if I hadn't gone.

I had one person ask me what I did. And when I told them that I homeschooled I got the typical reaction of people who don't know much about homeschooling and think its a little weird. I love that! He asked me if my kids listen to me... and I told him that's lesson number one. Without that there is no point in proceeding. He and his wife and come in from Boston and he was always smart in school so I am sure they are doing it up in corporate America or government. They have a three year old daughter who they said goes to school. I'm sure it is a great situation for them.

I was confident and happy to see all. Everyone looked great! I thank God that we have all made it this far.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

My Experience in a Focus Group

Before I begin this, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I used to be a sales director with a direct selling cosmetics company. In my business, it was essential that I presented a great image at all times. I had manicured nails, always wore great makeup and dressed very well (or at least I tried). I had a super cute haircut and looked like the ultimate stylish gal!

This was pretty cool. I am really a jeans and t-shirts person by heart and haven't really given a lot of thought to my image. I used to not pay a lot of attention to how I looked as long as I was neat. I felt really good about just looking like me without makeup, glam or pizazz. But, as I hit my thirties, I felt like I needed to do a little more to look good. So, I began to really enjoy the fact that I was buying clothes for myself instead of just for my kids. I looked great and felt great about how I looked.

But then I decided to give up my career to homeschool. I was determined to still maintain my diva image as a homeschooling mom. I didn't want to have the look of a harried, frumpy, unappreciated woman who didn't take time for herself. I am ashamed to admit that this was the image I had of all homeschooling mothers before I began homeschooling. Soo, I dubbed myself the Homeschool Diva as a fun way to remind myself that I can look good while teaching my kids at home.

Well, I really thought I was doing okay with my goal. Sure, there are days where I teach school in a raggedy t-shirt and sweatpants. There are days where I just let my hair do whatever. Sometimes, I look a little outdated but for the most part - I still look good - at least that is what I thought until this past Wednesday.

A friend of mine who also happens to be a homeschooler gave my name to her husband's company to participate in a focus group researching shopping and fashion trends. It would be a two hour discussion and would pay $50. With the curriculum fair coming up, I decided to go for it.

That morning I put on a pair of nice denim capri pants, sandals, and a polo shirt. I looked at myself. I looked neat and updated. But I thought about going to a swanky advertising agency in the downtown of the city and figured I'd better spruce it up. I asked my husband for confirmation and he agreed that I should change.

Well, I chose a taupe fine gauge knit sweater set and white capri pants with muted floral prints in taupe that matched. I put on fancier sandals. I tied the sweater around my shoulders and headed off. I felt a lot more confident.

When I pulled up to the address I was given, I found myself at a large colonial style house that had been updated and converted to an ad agency office. It was so chic!

I was greeted at the door by a woman with a cute pixie cut, a sleeveless dress in a muted blue and a scarf tied around her neck. She was thin, accessorized and immediately projected an image of style and confidence. I knew that I was out of my league. I was invited into a room with huge square conference table that was decorated so nicely. It was eclectic and a little bit funky but also warm and inviting. Around me were other women each with an expensive haircut (or so it looked), designer clothes, and a sense of style that I thought only appeared in magazines. As we all introduced ourselves, I was the only one who did not work outside of the home. When I told them I was a homeschooling mother of two, I wasn't sure how that would be received by this group of corporate career women.

I actually got a collective look of admiration or pleasant surprise. I did have one woman seem to comment in a negative way about homeschooling when she was introduced. She told her name, her occupation and then looked at me and said "And I don't homeschool my children!". She said it as if to say, "Homeschooling is okay but I could never do it". Later, she mentioned church and it made me think that she may have been a Christian. She sounded like I used to sound before I homeschooled. The Lord kept bringing it up and I kept running from it. I remember telling a friend that I would never do it. Ha!

Anyway, as these women talked about shopping and shopping and more shopping, I remembered how cool it used to be to have an income of my own. It was soooo sweet to have money to shop with. Some of these womean indicated owning several store cards and using them often. One was recently laid off from her job and a newleywed. She was the most avid shopper in the room.

I felt like a fish out of water. I buy clothing from discount chains and consignment shops and even Goodwill. I will buy some things from the mall but I make what I have work to look good and stylish. I do this because we are a one income family who doesn't use credit. My children and husband need clothes, we need curriculum and there is not a lot of excess yet.

We are tithers and we operate in the principle of sowing and reaping according the Bible. So, I know by faith that the day is coming that I can buy new clothes on a regular basis.

But for now, the Lord is preserving what I own and teaching me to rely on Him. In times past, being in a situation like the one I was in would send me into a torturous cycle of jealousy and covetousness. But, since I have received freedome from my hangups and I know who I am in Christ, I can put all of this into perspective.

The day will probably come where I concentrate on a job or business more than I do my children. But that season is not now. Now, I am sowing into my children and know that as I produce fruit of the Spirit for them to enjoy, good seeds will be sown into their lives to produce a bountiful harvest.

I wouldn't trade my days with them for a Louis Vuitton bag, a St. John suit, or anything else. I am leaning and trusting on the Lord. As time progresses, I will share more about the good things God is blessing me with. I know He is good, He is a giver and He is able to give us the desires of our hearts.

If you ever see that woman in the luxury car, walking unhindered by little feet, in her new pumps and designer duds, please don't let the enemy try to distract you with jealousy. You are an elected woman set apart and called to do a mighty work for God.

Walk in your anointing!

Monday, May 17, 2004

More Ramblings

I am taking a great class at my church's bible college called "Giving and Receiving". I had class tonight. We have learned that in the Bible, giving was a form of worship. So therefore, we should give to God of our resources as a way of worshipping Him.

I am still trying to decide on the curriculum I want to use for next year. Therea are so many great choices out there. Right now, I'm trying to decide between Classical Conversations, Sonlight and Weaver. They all have things that are great about them but I want to make sure they are a good fit for my family.

Well, I'm sleepy and I have a big day tomorrow. I'm expecting God to do mighty things tomorrow because He is a mighty God. Have a great night!

Why Homeschool?

So far, I like blogging. I have more to say and surprisingly, I have time to post again in one day.

Why do I homeschool?

I choose to educate my children at home because I take my assigment as a mother very seriously. I realize that it is the greatest and highest calling a person could have. It is a privilege and an honor to be a mother of two lives. I know God has a great plan for the lives of my kids. And, I also know that if they walk in the ways of the world, they can easily abort the vision God has for them. At best, public education is a place where children are labeled and organized for the purpose of teaching them a set of facts, opinions, ideas and patterns to lead them to an expected end of being productive in society. Originally, public school was created in the Industrial Age to begin modeling compliant and capable workers for the factories in America. Their original blueprint did not include plans for originality, nuturing individual gifts and talents, entrepreneurship, ministry training or anything that did not fit into the norm of being a good "worker".

As public school has evolved, many systems have made attempts to add programs and curriculum to address its shortcomings. However, these programs and curriculum are not standard and are not equal. They are often subject to politics, government funding and other influences that determine their fate. They also attempt to do the impossible;provide a customized education for each student with only one or two teachers to sometimes 25 to 30 students per classroom.

Our school systems have also been built around falsehoods and deceptions such as evolution. They embrace false gods, unholy lifestyles and tolerate sin in the name of "diversity". Children who are taught that life has no meaning and is only the result of a Big Bang begin to see themselves as valueless. This apathetic perception leads to all sorts of problems and ills in society.

I have heard many argue that not having children in public school is an unhealthy situation where the children are shielded from "real life". They see this as a handicap and fear that children will have limited ability to relate to others. Often, I am asked by people about socialization. There are many points of view on this subject within the homeschooling community. But they all ultimately cry out the same conclusion, School is not real life. Real life is real life. Of our 80 to 100 years we are on earth, only twelve of those are spent in a public school setting with perhaps an additional 4 in college for some. During that time, children are forced to spend most of their time only with your peers that are their same age. They are reprimanded for talking in class. They spend about 20 minutes per day playing freely with others and even then they are only others in their age group. This hardly reflects how we relate to others for the majority of our lives. Therefore, the child who has an opportunity to spend time with a true cross section of society - different ages, different sexes, different environments, etc. has an advantage in social skills.

Also, in the case of spending hours and hours with peers day after day, you often find that children form "soul ties" with others that become stronger than the ties they have with their parents. Therefore, peers become the main source of influence rather than the parents. Children find themselves in situations where they are forced to make adult decisions with a child's mind. A child is to remain a child under the authority and influence of parents until that child leaves the home.

In our society, teenagers have been given the status of adulthood simply because they can have children. This is idiotic. Teenagers are looking for adults to show them how to behave. And because we have failed as parents, we are suffering as we watch our youth become apathetic, self centered and destroyed by their own actions. When you spend the most time with your children, you have the intimate relationship of mentoring and trust that creates happy, healthy adults of our children.

About Me

My name is Kim and I live in Greensboro,North Carolina. I am starting this blog so I have a place to release my thoughts and journal my experiences. I hope to keep a journal of what God is doing in my life to encourage myself and others.

I teach my two children at home. This is my first year homeschooling and it has truly become a passion for me. Sure, some days I get frustrated and want to throw in the towel. But, for the most part, it has been one of the best undertakings of my life.

I am a Christian. I love God and have a close, intimate relationship with Him. I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit, all three as one manifestation of God. I have a Christian worldview and believe the full gospel of the Bible.

I am 32 years old and have been happily married for almost ten years. My great husband and father of my children is named Kevin. We truly enjoy each other and look forward to spending forever together.

I am a black woman and I love it. I love how God made me and know that when He did, He created a custom design for the good pleasure of His will. He declared me to be very good and made me fearfully and wonderfully. I purpose to let other people know that God loves them and wants them to come to Him.

Life is good and I am very happy. As I continue, I will share times when life was not so good and I was very unhappy. I will tell about things that used to control me and had me bound. And, I will tell how I got free of all the things that haunted me in life. I will share my story and hope that it will inspire you to share yours with others. I will shout the fame of Jesus Christ to all the earth. Please feel free to comment and share more about you.